About the Sleeping Forest
The Sleeping Forest is a home to all that could not survive in the waking life of duty and commitment. The broken and forlorn; the twisted and unseemly; the wounded and rejected; the blood-crazed and the wild. It is always nighttime underneath the tangled branches, and the trees whisper to each other in half-forgotten tongues. The earth breathes deeply beneath your feet. Things older and crueler than time itself hide within the dark, stagnant pools of water.
The forest sleeps and dreams of things better left unspoken in the waking world. Have courage to step into the darkness and search those dreams for fragments of yourself. Perhaps somewhere in the twisted tangle of words and images, you may catch fractured glimpses of your own reflection. Nothing would make me, the caretaker of this Sleeping Forest, happier.

About the artist
I am many things. I do not fit very comfortably in the body I was born into. I may fall in love regardless of gender, and may not fall in lust regardless of love. I am a shapeshifter in an absolutely real sense known intimately only to autistic people. I've experienced hatred and violence, at my own hand as much as at the hands of others. I've known joy in physical pain and beauty in shedding my own blood. I've played a keeper to too many secrets. I've faced the reality of my own death; climbed back to life from the brink of it, and have been a companion to many others walking the same road since. All these experiences shape the person I am today. All deserve to be honored, and I strive to do just that in my art.
I have many names; you may have met and known me under some of them. If so, disregard that for the time being. Here and now, let there be no distinction between the wilderness and its inhabitant. I am both the looker and the reflection; I am the caretaker of the Sleeping Forest, and the Sleeping Forest itself.
Should you wish to contact me, call out into the trees by using this address. Perhaps something will respond.